
Feedback for Macbeth at the Lakeside Theatre:

Been a long while since I've seen a play- amazing acting! Great stage presence, props movement and use of lighting. Excellent performance! Well Done!
Jane Edwards

I thought the performance was inspired. The witches' portrayal was exceptionally grim and powerful! Macbeth and Lady Macbeth displayed great knowledge of the essence of the unnerving of the mind. Truly spectacular!
Nart Darkhqan

Absolutely brilliant. This is the second performance I've attended and the way the theatre transforms to fit its purpose is amazing. I'll definitely be coming back.
Samuel Pryor

Feedback for Darkness at Zoo Roxy, Edinburgh Festival 2011:

Really liked it! Filmic and well acted, a good account of fundamentalism close to home. 
James Nicholson and Sebastian Senior

Outstandingly good! Wish The Traverse would produce that kind of work! A courage look at fundamentalism.    

Brilliant! Acting great! ...Story line is good and very believable.  
Ian Mears

Fantastic. There was a tear and I'm not an emotional person!

Brilliant. Fantastic performances.
Peter Ellis

Brilliant, well constructed, shocking and really of the moment issues. I recommend it.

An excellent piece which I thoroughly enjoyed. Very topical and gave plenty of fodder for post show discussions with friends! The acting was excellent and I'd just like to know what happened next!
Very enticing and disturbing, a good piece of drama with a compelling twist and polished performances.
Elaine and Fish 
A very strong play. I enjoyed it, but enjoyed is perhaps not the right word! Very powerful.
Anders Olesen

We really enjoyed it, good direction and well written, convincingly acted. Melodramatic but not over performed. 
Paul and Jess

Really good. Simply done and intense, but funny when it needed to be. 
Dennis Herdman

Very good, well acted and an interesting topic
Mike Eppel

Simply stunning. Gripped throughout, as the dynamics and phrases of the piece were perfectly orchestrated. Excellent casting as I truly believed they were a family riddled with bruises. Could see it being transferred to the Almedia - please make this happen. The best show I've seen this season.  
Charlotte King

Rosie L

Brilliant, excellent, strong cast and very professional. Powerful story and strong climax.
Janet and David Osborne

Very intense, brilliant characters. Frightening to think there are people like this in the world, it will stay with me.
Carol Faint

It was very dark, mysterious and scary how their beliefs were so powerfully put across.
James Valentine

"...dramatic tension and heartfelt emotion...The cast is strong and the characters of the father, older brother and youngest brother are played by stand out actors. "
Teresa Sparks


Saw this play last week and loved it. It did that thing that all good plays do, it evoked the emotions whilst watching the fabulous performance of all the actors and then lived with us afterwards causing immediate conversation and week long reflection. Well done to all concerned.  
Mike Knowles    

Really good - an intense experience, very powerful and quite disturbing portrait of Zealots in Christianity. Very interesting with brilliant performances, it feels like a Coen brothers film.
Nick Blower

A brilliant show with a very talented cast. The direction ( Gari Jones) and skill of the actors allowed you to feel truly involved with the performance. Shining moments, in particular from David Tarkenter, Jamie Wallwork and Nathan Wright made the performance for me. This show wouldn't be out of place at the National. A must see. 
Joel Marvin 

Very good. The best thing I've seen in a week at the Fringe"
Rob F

"This is the best thing I've seen. The cast are incredible, they showed 300% commitment. Nothing approaches the intensity or technicality (of Darkness). Very realistic but nothing is held back."
Jerry Leavy

"Beautifully directed. Lovely ensemble, really good performances. Interesting and relevant topic...I believed the world that was created before me"
Joy Harrison

"Fully formed, very well realised. Rich text and incredible cast."
Rob Salmon

"Deeply evocative, this play leaves one contemplating mankind for days afterwards. It's brilliant. Surprising, gripping, inspiring, terrifying. Quite long for a fringe production, it nevertheless felt like ten minutes as it totally absorbed through a tight production. The acting was strong and consistent. Darkness must be a play that will last long beyond the Fringe. It had something really memorable that is quite hard to encapsulate in a few words. Incredibly exciting to be at one of its first productions, I was left feeling that I had witnessed something that I would discuss years later." 
Christine Temple  

"A good script, tightly acted. Resonances with various Bible stories - but not derivative of them. This play is not about the evils of religion as about the evil that religion can become. My heart went out to the mother who lost her son twice over.****" 
David Goodrum  

"Great. Really good. David Tarkenter as Huw was phenomenal. Really well written."
Alexander Thomas & Peregrine Fallows

"Awesome, the quality of the acting meant you could relate to the issues. Brilliant, thankyou"
Mike Burr & Alex Roden

"Brilliant play. Brilliant performances."
Paul Tinto

"We both cried simultaneously, without knowing. Absolutely brilliant"
Karen Binks and Scott Morgan

"Fantastic, isolating, the audience is witnessing something profound"
William Donaldson

"Very strong performances by David Tarkenter (George) and Jamie Wallwork (Tony) in a bleak and frightening look into the dark heart of religious fanaticism. All leavened with a touch of surreal humor.
Ebay, indeed!!" 
Mark Kleiman  


"Wicked. Very stong cast. Reminded me of something you'd see at the National Theatre"
Emma Arends & Rebecca Farrell

"Absolutely magnificent. Really quite something"
Kate Crawford

"Very much enjoyed it. Very interesting"
Paul Boshies


"Macbeth - fantastic production – Music / Sound and Lighting so integral to the show, making a whole moving and thought provoking piece. Bravo!"
Sheila foster

"Loved The Frankfurt Formula last night, great fun!"
Kishor Krishnamoorthi
“Extremely high quality, wonderful work, honestly worth seeing.”
Amanda Elhag-paul
 “Visual performance which involves smell, taste, sound, memory and for me – mystery – it will take me further to explore Ibsen’s play upon which the performance is based. A strong performance.”
Christine Woodman
“Very intriguing, emotional and has a mysterious touch. Thought provoking at time raises important questions. Overall good performance and excellent actress.”


  1. Event Title: 1977 - I could see the parallel between film / conference from the start. Stephanie Humpries

  2. Event Title: 1977 - I really enjoyed the music. Liv Jones

  3. Sea/Woman
    20 January 2011

    Audience Feedback:
    “Extremely high quality, wonderful work, honestly worth seeing.”
    Amanda Elhag-paul
    “Visual performance which involves smell, taste, sound, memory and for me – mystery – it will take me further to explore Ibsen’s play upon which the performance is based. A strong performance.”
    Christine Woodman
    “Very intriguing, emotional and has a mysterious touch. Thought provoking at time raises important questions. Overall good performance and excellent actress.”


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